Thursday, December 31, 2009

Hospital Bed Price Why Can't Medicare Control It's Own Costs?

Why can't Medicare control it's own costs? - hospital bed price

According to the investigator's own Medicare more for almost everything you buy is paying off. And he does it consciously.

- $ 7215 for renting an oxygen concentrator, if the purchase price is $ 600.

- 4018 $ for a standard wheelchair, while the private sector pays $ 1048.

- $ 1825 for a hospital bed, compared with an Internet Price $ 1071.

- $ 3335 for a respiratory pump, compared with a retail price of $ 1987th

- $ 82 for a kit for diabetics, rather than a price of $ 47 on the net.

Then last year (under Bush) Health and Social Services Department has found that Medicare $ 1 billion per year across the country could save by using your fees with a fixed schedule of tender prices.

But here, where Congress in. Congress Fortney "Pete" Stark and Dave Camp is introduced determines that any possibility for most of these changes has killed, will come true. This program has delayed the tender. End of story.

And Ethe traps with ink and politics does not happen every day, if the government takes your health?

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